President’s Message

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed special time with family and friends. As well, I trust that you were able to take time for yourself, reflect upon the year that just passed and plan for the year upon which we are now embarking.

For myself, I look back at my last year serving as your vice-president and I’m thankful to have had such great support from colleagues from both within our association and other association around the province. I especially thank Tim Breen who served as our president for two-and-a-half years and prepared me for the role I now assume as your president.  

This upcoming year I look forward to working with our new vice-president, Kirsten Mundle. She brings an enthusiasm and energy to the RETTA office that is most welcome and I know she is excited to be working for all the amazing members of RETTA.

I also want to take this opportunity to remind you that this is commonly a challenging time for teachers. Daylight is still scarce, the weather is cold, we seem to be perpetually in flu season, and just wait until the indoor recesses start! All this to say, I want to strongly encourage you to take care of yourselves. We, as teachers, are notorious for always putting the students first and ourselves second. Teachers can be our own worst enemy when it comes to our own health. We need to change that mindset and understand that when we look after ourselves, we are better able to look after others. I’m reminded of the beginning of every flight I’ve ever take; put your own oxygen mask on first, before helping others.

And for those who need more help, remember that MTS does offer an Educator Assistance Program (EAP). Teachers face an array of issues different than those faced by people in other occupations. They understand that and are there to help. More information on the EAP program can be found on the MTS website at under the “Health & Benefits” tab.  

Take care of yourself and take care of each other.

Chris Darazsi


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