Vice-President’s Message
And we’re off! For those of you coming back to another school year, I welcome you back. Hopefully you had a wonderful summer and got lots of opportunity to do the things you love. For those of you new to the profession, we welcome you to an exciting new adventure
President’s Message
Wow, where did the year go. It seems like just yesterday I was walking into the office ready for another year. They say that time flies when you’re having fun, and I enjoy every day working on behalf of members. This has been an interesting year with the second half
Vice-President’s Message
It has been another busy and exciting year as your Vice-President. Although I felt more settled than I was in my first year as vice-president, this year brought new challenges, particularly regarding Collective Bargaining and Workplace Safety and Health. These are unprecedented times. Our profession, members, and students are
RETTA Golf Tournament a Success!
35 RETTA members avoided the rain on Friday evening and enjoyed some near perfect golfing weather at our Golf Tournament on June 22nd. After only a small sprinkling of rain for about the first two holes, the sun came out and it was a beautiful evening for golf at The
MTS 99th Provincial Council Meeting
Highlights from the 99th Manitoba Teacher’s Society Provincial Council (Taken from May 24, 2018 Education Minister’s Address “We have appreciated the professional approach of MTS, despite not always agreeing on all education issues“, said Education Minister Ian Wishart in his address to the annual general meeting on Thursday, May
MTS Rally for Public Education
(From the Manitoba Teacher’s Society – More than 1,500 spirited public school teachers, principals, vice-principals and supporters packed the front of the Legislature Friday, May 25, putting the government on notice. As one of the crowd’s chants put it: “When education’s under attack, what do we do? “Stand up,
April President’s Message
This year has brought a number of interesting surprises that have changed the future of education forever. This government has continued its process of under-funding public services in order to pay off an imaginary debt crisis. Chris and I have visited almost all of our 45 worksites and have been
Young Humanitarian Awards
Submitted by: Sandy Fazenda, RETTA Executive On Thursday, April 12, I had the privilege of attending the Manitoba Teachers’ Society Young Humanitarian Awards Celebration. MTS honoured Manitoba public school students whose acts of compassion, self-sacrifice, leadership, creativity and caring inspired and encouraged others to do the same. There were three
Workplace Safety and Health Message
A Message from Your President & Vice-President (Taken from the special edition of the Workplace Safety and Health RETTA Record ) Whether you are a clinician, a coordinator, a principal or a teacher (all RETTA members), you are holding an important document regarding your working conditions and the legislative regulations