MTS Rally for Public Education

(From the Manitoba Teacher’s Society – More than 1,500 spirited public school teachers, principals, vice-principals and supporters packed the front of the Legislature Friday, May 25, putting the government on notice. As one of the crowd’s chants put it: “When education’s under attack, what do we do? “Stand up,

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April President’s Message

This year has brought a number of interesting surprises that have changed the future of education forever. This government has continued its process of under-funding public services in order to pay off an imaginary debt crisis. Chris and I have visited almost all of our 45 worksites and have been

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Young Humanitarian Awards

Submitted by: Sandy Fazenda, RETTA Executive On Thursday, April 12, I had the privilege of attending the Manitoba Teachers’ Society Young Humanitarian Awards Celebration. MTS honoured Manitoba public school students whose acts of compassion, self-sacrifice, leadership, creativity and caring inspired and encouraged others to do the same. There were three

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Workplace Safety and Health Message

A Message from Your President & Vice-President (Taken from the special edition of the Workplace Safety and Health RETTA Record ) Whether you are a clinician, a coordinator, a principal or a teacher (all RETTA members), you are holding an important document regarding your working conditions and the legislative regulations

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Violence in the Workplace

According to WSH Regulation, violence is defined as “the attempted or actual exercise of physical force against a person and any threatening statement or behaviour that gives a person reasonable cause to believe that physical force will be used against the person”. The River East Transcona School Division’s duties include:

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Workplace Safety and Health: Duties Under the Act

The Workplace Safety and Health Act supports every worker’s right to a safe and healthy workplace. It assigns responsibility to each person in the workplace for creating and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. Everyone has a personal and a shared responsibility to work together cooperatively to prevent workplace injuries

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President’s Message

REFLECTIONS-Objects in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear Now that the holiday season has passed and the start of a new calendar year has just occurred, it is commonplace for people to reflect upon the achievements of the past year as they prepare to embark upon the challenges of

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Vice President’s Message

As Tim and I tour around and visit the RETTA members in our schools, there seems to be a common theme we are coming across. This theme can be summed up in a few words: workload, work/life balance, burnout, stress. I don’t need to get into all the reasons why,

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9th Annual RETTA Trivia Trial

What: The RETTA Trivia Trial is a general trivia contest where teams of 4-6ish come together for the right to be crowned “GRAND MASTERS OF TRIVIA” – No cost, come for the food, fun, and prizes. Who: All members of RETTA are welcome to participate. When: Thursday April 19th 7:00

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Humanitarian Fund Application

The RETTA Humanitarian fund application and guidelines have been updated. Please use the below application form when applying for Humanitarian fund requests. Humanitarian Fund Application Form

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