Welcome Back!
I hope that everyone had an enjoyable summer. It was wonderful to be able to spend some time relaxing, recuperating, and enjoying time with my daughter. I am really loving this dad thing and am excited to see what the future brings for her. I hope you all enjoyed your summer break. It’s time to get back into the swing of things and I’m excited and honoured to be representing you all again as your president.
This is going to be an interesting year. It’s the 100th anniversary of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society, it’s a municipal election year, and the provincial government has indicated they will be doing a review on education. What this all will mean is yet to be seen, but I encourage you all to sign up for an MTS MyProfile account and to keep your ears open. We will be sharing any details we can as they come.
Chris and I are already hard at work getting things organized for our first executive meeting, contact representative orientation, and our first council meeting. It is good to be back in the office working with Chris and Janice. There is a lot of work ahead of us this year and I am excited to be working with these two fantastic folks again. We are well served by their passion and expertise.
I am excited to be underway in this 2018-19 school year and very proud to be your president. Remember to take care of yourselves, support one another, and never hesitate to contact me at the RETTA office if you ever have any questions or concerns. I wish you all the best start possible to the school year.
Tim Breen