COVID-19 Related FAQS- December

On behalf of the entire RETTA executive, please know that we all hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this time. Since September, we have received many questions surrounding issues such as sick time, workload, collective bargaining and wellness. Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions that

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COVID-19 Related FAQs- November

On behalf of the entire RETTA executive, please know that we all hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this time. Since September, we have received many questions surrounding issues such as sick time, workload, collective bargaining and wellness. Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions that

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How to Write to Your Local MLA

RETTA members, Many, if not all of you, have specific and personal concerns surrounding Bill 64: The Education Modernization Act and/or Better Education Starts Today: Putting Students First,  a document the government has developed in response to the recommendations of the K-12 Education Commission Report. Our government must hear the voices

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A Letter to Members

Dear RETTA Members, With the recent Government announcement that schools in the North and Metro regions would be moving to Level Orange on Friday, October 23th, the results will once again impact not only our members but all staff, students, and the broader community. The potential for this scenario has

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PPDF Applications OPEN Thursday, Oct. 22

After delays due to COVID-19, we are now accepting PPDF application’s ONLINE ONLY, except for the Collaborative Professional Learning Projects, which may be submitted via the divisional mail. Applications for the first semester open on Thursday, October 22nd. From then on, the opening dates will remain as stated on the

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New RETTA Member Welcome Event

Dear new RETTA members, Welcome to your Local union!! Each year the River East Transcona Teachers’ Association puts on a New Member Welcome Event at Smitty’s on Henderson. The purpose of the event is to welcome new RETTA members to their Local union, introduce them to their Local leadership and

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Maternity/Parental Leave Seminar Dates

Are you planning to take maternity and/or parental leave? There are two sources that define a teacher’s right to maternity and/or parental leave – the Employment Standards Code and the collective agreement. The Code provides for minimum standards applicable to all employees, while the collective agreement may provide for enhanced

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A New School Year

RETTA members, We hope that this summer brought moments of rest for all of you. With a spring, summer and now a new school year like none-other, we all realize that the weeks and months ahead will be filled with many challenges, questions, and concerns. We want to assure you

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A Message from the President

Good morning RETTA members, I hope this email finds you healthy and well. We’ve almost made it to the end of another school year! It has been quite the year, and this has been quite the finish. As I’m sure you have heard by now, the Province has declared that

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PD Opportunity: Talking about racism in the classroom

The Global Centre for Pluralism, in partnership with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, is offering two-hour virtual professional development sessions for Canadian teachers on how to have conversations about race in the classroom. Facilitated by inclusion and anti-racism consultant, Destine Lord, this dialogue-based small group session will provide educators with

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