New Teacher Welcome: Oct. 9th
Welcome to all new teachers to the division! RETTA school contact representatives and all teachers in their first three years with the division are invited to join us for an evening of fun, food, and mingling. Your Association president, vice president and members of the executive will be there to
President’s Message: Welcome Back
As I write this, I’m sitting on the deck in my backyard. Beverage of choice in hand, dogs at my side. It’s Friday, the entry day of the Labour Day long weekend. By the time this article gets posted I will have attended the annual Labour Day March celebrating the
Vice President’s Message: Back to School
If the chilly September weather is any indication, fall is upon us as are the first few days of school. I had the privilege of a restful yet busy summer, filled with visiting family and friends, lake time, staying outside as much as humanly possible and enjoying the warmth from
President’s Message
As always, June is a time for reflection. This was not how I thought my year would go but becoming President of your Association six months ago has been a fantastic experience and I have learned much in a short period of time. It has been an extremely busy and
Vice President’s Message
They say things happen for a reason, and there really is so much truth to that. In January an opportunity arose when Tim Breen stepped down as President to take on new challenges at MTS and the role of Vice President was vacant. With the support of our Executive I
NEW: PPDF Opportunity
RETTA members, I wanted to take a quick minute to let you know about a PPDF opportunity that you may not be aware of. The Personal Professional Development Fund (PPDF) gives teachers an opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded teachers across the division to focus on problems of practice to
RETTA Election Results 2019-2020
Your 2019-2020 RETTA Executive Congratulations and a big thank-you to all the members who put their name forward to serve on next year’s River East Transcona Teachers’ Association Executive Board. The time and commitment these members put towards serving the 1,300 members of RETTA is invaluable. Your 2019-2020 RETTA Executive:
Women in Educational Leadership- Vice President’s Message
March 8th marks an important day for all of us to celebrate and reflect upon. March 8th was International Women’s Day. The theme for International Women’s Day this year was “Balance for Better,” emphasizing a more gender-balanced world. It’s exciting seeing this movement spread across the world, continuing to make
President’s Message
As I sit down to write my President’s message I know I want it to be about finding a work/life balance. This is the time of year that it hits us the hardest. The weather is cold, the days are still short, indoor recesses, etc., etc., etc. Then it occurred
New! Archived PPDF Reports
Are you interested in taking advantage of our PPDF (personal professional development fund)? To get more information on how to apply, criteria to consider when applying, funds available and more, please visit out PPDF page here As well, we now have a new page that features reports from previously