Vice President’s Message

They say things happen for a reason, and there really is so much truth to that. In January an opportunity arose when Tim Breen stepped down as President to take on new challenges at MTS and the role of Vice President was vacant. With the support of our Executive I was appointed Vice President of RETTA. Coming into this role mid-year was a bittersweet experience. It was difficult leaving my incredible students and fantastic colleagues at Robert Andrews School, but with change comes new opportunities and sprouts new growth. This year has provided me with new, challenging and educational opportunities that I am so fortunate to have experienced.

This year marks the MTS centennial-100 years of solidarity! There have been a multitude of celebrations of this marked anniversary: the solidarity parade, Provincial Council AGM and our RETTA Trivia night featuring MTS and the 1919 General Strike questions, to name a few. It has been a celebratory year, but a celebratory year faced with many challenges set before us. From Bill 28 to provincial bargaining to the K-12 Education Review to new formula funding models. Now more than ever is member engagement crucial as the future of public education is uncertain. We as an Association will continue to fight for our members with integrity, hard work, professionalism and optimism.

The rest of the year was filled with meetings from Executive and Council meetings, Workplace Safety and Health, President’s Council, Metro Presidents, Constitution Policy Review Committee, Formula Funding Committee and more. We had a lot of success with our RETTA wellness events this year, and this is something we take so much pleasure in putting on. Congratulations again to River East, the Trivia Night champions as well as Arthur Day, the Beach Volleyball tournament winners! As well, it is always a pleasure to stop at schools for our annual school visits. This is where we get to see you, our members face to face, have open dialogue, answer questions and have a cookie. We serve RETTA, members, and it is crucial that you know we’re here to help, protect, offer advice and most importantly, to listen to each and every one of you.

With the summer on the horizon, it’s hard not to miss what’s ahead of us- past the lakes and cottages, outdoor tennis courts and bikes rides is September 10- the Provincial election. There has not been a time more pertinent to fight for our education system, fight for our students and fight for our teachers. Stay informed this summer, share your experiences on what education looks like today, and continue to gain public support. We’re stronger together.

With that, I hope you all take the time to rest, relax, spend time with family and friends, and have fun.

Have a great summer,

Kirsten Mundle
Vice President

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