Enhancing Anti-Racist Pedagogy
Enhancing Anti-Racist Pedagogy Begins with Challenging Problematic Discourses Submitted By: Erin Ellison According to Schick and St. Dennis (2003) a variety of visible minority groups live in the Canada, although “it is Indigenous peoples who form the greatest critical mass to challenge normative practices of dominant white culture” (p. 2). The
Beach Volleyball Event
The River East Transcona Teachers’ Association invites you to Block Party: A Beach Volleyball Social Driven by the continued success of our fall volleyball social, the opening of a new local Beach Volleyball Centre and an always welcome opportunity to socialize and connect with each other, RETTA is excited about
Young Humanitarian Awards
Nominate Students for a YHA They’re kids with a cause – compassionate, creative and courageous. You see them at every grade level, students who love serving in their schools and communities. Thank them for their goodness with a Young Humanitarian Award nomination. They could win one of four $1,000 prizes. Deadline
President’s Message
Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed special time with family and friends. As well, I trust that you were able to take time for yourself, reflect upon the year that just passed and plan for the year upon which we are now embarking. For myself,
Vice-President’s Message
Happy New Year and welcome back to all members of RETTA! It was tremendous to spend quality time with family and friends, especially those residing from out of town. I hope that you all had time to relax, recharge and get geared up for the remainder of the school year.
Farewell and Happy Holidays
This certainly is a difficult message to write to the members of RETTA whom I’ve had the honour of serving over these past few years. I still remember when I first walked into the RETTA office, the nervousness, the trepidation, the desire to represent all of you well. Luckily for
A Message for New(er) Teachers
At our New Teacher Welcome that we held back on October 9th, there was a comment that struck me as important enough that it warrants addressing. Basically the comment was this: “Bill-28 doesn’t affect me because I still get a raise each year”. This exemplifies the challenges we face in
Professional Development
As educators, we encourage our students to be lifelong learners. To continuously learn, unlearn and relearn. This is an interesting concept, and correlates to our responsibility as educators to make an ongoing effort to improve professionally by participating in ongoing professional development (PD). This memo will provide local PD opportunities,
Warren Buffet* Works for Me – Voluntary TRAF Contributions
Did you ever want to have the ability to have a Warren Buffet Like Person* working for you? Did you make 9.18% on your investments last year with little to no Management Fee? Did you invest $1000 in 2013 and now its $1602? The answer to this questions can be
President’s Message
Welcome Back! I hope that everyone had an enjoyable summer. It was wonderful to be able to spend some time relaxing, recuperating, and enjoying time with my daughter. I am really loving this dad thing and am excited to see what the future brings for her. I hope you all