2023-24 RETTA Executive Elections – Notice of Call
Notice of Call for RETTA Executive Elections! If you are interested in running for a RETTA executive position, please read the information below: 1. Nominations for election to The River East Transcona Teachers’ Association Executive are now being accepted. 2. Candidates for nominations are to provide a professional biography and/or
RETTA Council Unanimously Endorses Chris Darazsi
As previously announced, current RETTA President Chris Darazsi will begin his appointment as interim Vice-President of MTS effective February 24, 2023, running until the conclusion of MTS Provincial Council AGM on May 27, 2023. The appointment was triggered by the announcement of current MTS President James Bedford announcing his retirement. Current
WEL Committee Speaker Series
Update from the WEL committee: Just a reminder that the WEL Speaker’s series will be taking place on Thursday, February 23 at 4:30 pm in the Chief Peguis Learning Commons. Please register for the event by emailing Janice Bell at treasurer@retta.mbteach.org by Friday, February 3 at 4pm. We look forward to seeing you
2022-23 RETTA Workload Survey
RETTA is collecting data on changes to member workload (specifically comparing current workload to that of pre-pandemic), in order to bring workload concerns forward to divisional senior administration. The more members that fill out the survey, the more complete our data will be. Responses are anonymous. The survey consists of
RETTA Interim V.P. Appointment
At the December 6th RETTA Executive meeting, the Executive unanimously passed a motion (as per Bylaw 8.11) to appoint Executive member A.J. Hrychuk as the interim RETTA Vice President for the period of February 24th-May 27th, 2023. Congratulations, A.J.!
MTS Membership Poll underway
The annual MTS Membership Poll is currently taking place. You may be contacted by Viewpoints Research to anonymously share your concerns, priorities, and feedback with MTS. You can read more about the survey here.
MTS Interim V.P. Appointment
Congratulations to RETTA President and Provincial Executive (PX) member-at-large, Chris Darazsi, on his appointment by MTS PX as interim vice-president, effective February 24, 2023 until the MTS Provincial Council AGM in May 2023. The appointment was triggered by the announcement of current MTS President James Bedford announcing his retirement, effective
2022 RETSD Trustee Election Results
The following candidates were elected or acclaimed in yesterday’s RETSD school trustee elections: Ward 1: Colleen Carswell (acclaimed) Sheri Irwin (acclaimed) Ward 2: Rod Giesbrecht Sheri Hanson Ward 3: Brianne Goertzen Keith Morrison Ward 4: Susan Olynik Brenda Bage Ward 5 Shannon Hiebert Congratulations to the successful candidates, and thank
Want a print copy of the MB Teacher magazine?
In accordance with a resolution passed at MTS Provincial Council AGM last May, the MB Teacher magazine is now automatically delivered to you in a digital format, or viewed directly on the website. However, if you would still like to receive your copy in print format, log into your MyProfile
MTS PD Day 2022
Next week Friday (October 21st) is MTS PD day. Visit the MTS website to find a list of the SAGE (Special Area Groups of Educators) groups participating in the 2022 MTS PD Day, along with their individual programs and registration information.