Interested in being a delegate for the 2022 meeting of Provincial Council (AGM)?

All RETTA members are invited to attend the Manitoba Teachers’ Society meeting of the Provincial Council. What is the Provincial Council? Provincial Council is the highest decision-making body of the Society, and it ultimately gives direction to the MTS. What is the Provincial Council meeting? The Provincial Council meeting is

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Maternity/Parental Leave Seminar Dates

Are you planning to take maternity and/or parental leave? There are two sources that define a teacher’s right to maternity and/or parental leave – the Employment Standards Code and the collective agreement. The Code provides for minimum standards applicable to all employees, while the collective agreement may provide for enhanced

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New Member Welcome Event

Dear new RETTA Members, Welcome to your Local union!! Each year the River East Transcona Teachers’ Association puts on a New Member Welcome Event. The purpose of the event is to welcome new RETTA Members to their Local union, introduce them to their Local leadership and explain the role and

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NEW Wellness Grant- 2021-2022 Applications are OPEN

Given that each workplace’s nature, needs, and composition is distinct, the Association would like to offer the opportunity for members to put forward proposals for site-based RETTA member wellness events that promote stress reduction, physical activity, nutrition, and work-life management. This is not replacing our well-attended group events like Trivia

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RETTA Ratifies an Agreement with RETSD

The River East Transcona Teachers’ Association is pleased to announce that we have ratified an Agreement-in-Committee with the River East Transcona School Division. Ratification vote results: From 1,257 ballots cast, the members of RETTA have voted 98.8%  in favour of ratification. 

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Collective Bargaining Call to Action

Communication was sent to all RETTA members on May 6th with an update on bargaining. Here is the letter and call to action. As always, contact us if you have any questions.

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Demystifying Presenting to a Bill Committee

Demystifying Presenting to a Bill Committee You’ve likely heard of the opportunity to register and speak to “The Committee” about Bill-64, the Education Modernization Act. When politicians get involved in education, educators need to get involved in politics. This is a great opportunity for us to have our voices heard

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Three Incongruent Documents

RETTA members, the provincial government released three documents that will reform the education system. The attached document is meant to give a quick overview of those documents and hopefully provide a bit of clarity. Click here to read more.

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Bill 64, Better Education Starts Today and the K-12 Education Commission Report

On Monday, March 15th the Progressive Conservative Party, under Brian Pallister, introduced the contents of the Education Modernization Act, Bill 64, The K-12 Education Commission Report and Better Education Starts Today, the government’s response to the Commission Report was released. The Provincial Government is proposing significant changes to the education

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Interested in being a delegate for this year’s Provincial Council (AGM)?

All RETTA members are invited to attend the Manitoba Teachers’ Society meeting of the Provincial Council. What is the Provincial Council? Provincial Council is the highest decision-making body of the Society, and it ultimately gives direction to the MTS. What is the Provincial Council meeting? The Provincial Council meeting is

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